The Best Sunglasses
for an Oval-Shaped Face

If you’re the proud owner of an oval-shaped face, we have some truly stellar news for you: you’re in the sweet spot for sunglasses that can bring your style to even higher heights. Navigating the sea of sunglass options can be overwhelming. Fear not, dear readers, for we’re here to guide you towards shades tailored to complement your oval-shaped face.

What makes an oval-shaped face unique when shopping for sunglasses?

What makes an oval-shaped face unique when shopping for sunglasses?

Your oval face has a secret superpower: it lets you get away with nearly any frame shape. The proportions of your ever-so-fine bone structure lend themselves to tons of different styles of eyeglasses

So, how exactly do you know you have an oval face shape? You’ll have slightly wider cheekbones and a gentle narrowing at the forehead and jaw. Your face will be about twice as long as it is wide, with a rounded chin and jawline. Plus, you’ll probably have noticed you can pull off pretty much anything in the eyewear department.

As you gaze into the mirror, keep in mind that most people don’t meet every single piece of criteria for a single face shape. That’s why you should never limit yourself to frames based solely on your face shape.

The biggest challenge you’re facing? Too many options. A good problem to have, to be sure, but it can quickly turn into a paradox of choice. So, let’s break down the styles that work best for both men and women.

What styles of sunglasses work best for oval faces?

What styles of sunglasses work best for oval faces?

Your oval face gives you the freedom to experiment with various shapes and sizes, but of course, some will still be more flattering than others. To figure out which ones, consider how different frames complement or contrast with your facial features.


Aviator sunglasses aren’t just for Maverick or Goose. The classic teardrop shape effortlessly complements the proportions of an oval face. Plus, the straight-edged brow bar adds some contrast to your angles. Whether you’re cruising in a fighter jet or sipping a latte, aviators add an undeniable cool factor for both men and women.

Cat Eyes.

Ladies, embrace the cat eye frames. The upswept angles of these sunglasses create a delightful contrast with the soft contours of an oval face, drawing the eye upward and emphasizing your cheekbones. Unleash your inner feline mystique and accentuate your curves, all in one fell swoop.


Rectangular sunglasses provide structured elegance for both men and women with oval faces. They provide a perfect counterbalance for oval faces, adding definition without overpowering your features.


Square sunglasses are another shape that’s all about the angles, offsetting the softer curves of your face. Similar to rectangles, they contrast with your features. Square shades offer an option for those who find equally proportioned frames work better on their oval face.


For those craving a vintage vibe, round frames are your go-to. Although common eyewear wisdom dictates that opposites attract, round sunglasses work well on an oval-shaped face. Despite their shared curves, they create an appealing contrast. That’s right: oval faces can pull off the circular frames and peace ‘n’ love aesthetic flawlessly, giving off a retro-chic aura. Think John Lennon, but with a modern twist.


Our geometric sunglass frames aren’t restricted to your average octagon – we have shapes from upside down triangles to butterfly wings. The angular lines and swooping curves of geometric frames make them particularly complementary to oval-shaped faces. Plus, they’re just really freaking fun.

Remember: our sunglasses come in the form of reading glasses, prescription pairs, prescription-less pairs, and progressives, so both your lens type and frame shape are easily customizable.

What styles of sunglasses don’t work for oval faces?

What styles of sunglasses don’t work for oval faces?

Overkill on the oversized.

While oversized sunglasses can be a fashion statement, there’s such a thing as going overboard. Extremely large frames can disrupt the natural balance of an oval face, so choose your oversized frame wisely to be sure they don’t overpower your features.

Oval overload.

We’ve established that oval faces need not be strangers to curves, but choosing an oval-shaped frame may not be your best bet. Circular frames still make your features pop by offsetting your oblong face shape, but oval sunglasses on oval faces may end up being too matchy-matchy.

It’s good to be oval.

It’s good to be oval.

In the dazzling world of sunglasses, an oval face is a golden ticket. From aviators to wayfarers, round frames to feline delights, the options are virtually endless.

As you embark on your sunny odyssey, remember that rules are made to be broken. Our suggestions are here to guide, not cramp your style. So, above all, choose the frames that resonate with you. Happy shade-hunting!