As you may have gathered from the name eyebobs, we are in the business of designing unconventional, never before seen, very bold eyewear. Why? Because for us, adorning your face with subpar, poorly-designed, or even worse, generic, boring glasses is an insult to yourself and everyone that has to look at you. As far as we’re concerned, in life, your most important job is to wildly celebrate who you are. Every aspect of it. From what you love to do, who you like to be with, where you decide to be in the world and how you choose to present yourself, right down to your eyewear. In truth, we may not be able to help you find that dream job or finance your relocation to Mexico City, but we can help make certain you are donning the perfect eyewear. So let’s not waste any more of your time and let’s boldly go where many, many great-looking folks have gone before, into the many reasons one should dive into the world of stand-out eyewear. eyebobs how we love thee? Let us count the ways.

As you may have gathered from the name eyebobs, we are in the business of designing unconventional, never before seen, very bold eyewear. Why? Because for us, adorning your face with subpar, poorly-designed, or even worse, generic, boring glasses is an insult to yourself and everyone that has to look at you. As far as we’re concerned, in life, your most important job is to wildly celebrate who you are. Every aspect of it. From what you love to do, who you like to be with, where you decide to be in the world and how you choose to present yourself, right down to your eyewear. In truth, we may not be able to help you find that dream job or finance your relocation to Mexico City, but we can help make certain you are donning the perfect eyewear. So let’s not waste any more of your time and let’s boldly go where many, many great-looking folks have gone before, into the many reasons one should dive into the world of stand-out eyewear. eyebobs how we love thee? Let us count the ways.

1. Why go with Quality Frames?

1. Why go with Quality Frames?

First thing’s first. There are a lot of very fun cuckoo bananas frames out there and they have our full support. Except when it comes to cheap materials. That we cannot excuse. It’s wasteful, and an insult to eyeglasses everywhere. If you’re going to ditch generic-looking specs, why not commit on every level – including the lenses.

Quality materials and lenses are what allow your wacky frames to go out into the world with unwavering dignity. How do you think frames like the Untamed or Chutzpah’d would feel if their lenses just popped out, or if their blue light blocking capabilities were all a rouse!? If you’re going to go bold, you need to go full-bore and wear those glasses with unshakeable, Nobel Prize-winning confidence. We’re talking glasses with premium acetate rather than acrylic, optical-grade, CR-39 lenses, and one-of-a-kind, daringly distinctive designs.

2. Who doesn’t welcome a barrage of compliments?

2. Who doesn’t welcome a barrage of compliments?

We are firm believers that you get what you give. This is especially true when you frame the windows to your soul with gorgeous, perfectly-fitting eyewear. Give the world a good look, view everything with rose-colored glasses, take a chance and put yourself out there in the form of fabulous glasses and you are bound to receive a bounty of uplifting feedback on your bold life choices. Wear eyebobs, get compliments. It’s basically proven science. Just check our reviews.

3. Can I Try on Frames at Home?

3. Can I Try on Frames at Home?

There’s no doubt that finding the right pair of frames, especially when you’re going the bold route, is a process. This is why we encourage everybody to try on a few pairs. And no, you do not need to do this in public. With Virtual Try-On you can test out our best-selling frames to get a good sense of fit and style, from the comfort of your own home. 

Want to know what these frames will look like while you eat breakfast? Want to see if these frames go with your favorite blazer? Good! We want you to know too. Virtual Try-On ‘til your heart’s content. 

4. What if I Don’t like my New Frames?

4. What if I Don’t like my New Frames?

If you’re in the market for some bold frames, risk should only apply to the experience of wearing decidedly unboring glasses. Risk should have nothing to do with changing your mind or realizing your face requires a different size or look. Hence, our 90-day free return policy.  We think we can all agree that deciding whether or not your frames are right for you requires the same kind of thoughtfulness and/or care that you put into organizing your vintage magazine collection. So please, take your time with your new frames. 90 days to be exact. 

Free, 2-Day Shipping & Risk-Free, 90-Day Returns.

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5. You have our full support.

5. You have our full support.

As you have probably gathered, boldness is next to godliness around here. In fact, we have a whole team of people, (not robots, but real, actual people) just waiting to help you in your search for outlandishly gorgeous and never-ever boring frames. Fair warning, our customer service team has been known to befriend eyebobs wearers near and far. If you have any questions at all, need a second opinion, or have a very cute dog and need someone to share in the joy of domestic animals, please do not hesitate to reach out.

6. Do Celebrities Wear eyebobs?

6. Do Celebrities Wear eyebobs?

We know you’re dying to know… YES. Celebrities do wear our glasses. It’s the highest compliment that anyone loves our designs enough to incorporate eyebobs into their wardrobe, but when the paparazzi is capturing it, well, that’s a fairly good sign that we’re doing something right. 

More importantly, if you’ve been thinking about trying some wilder frames but shying away for whatever reason. Now you know you’re not the only one interested in a distinctive look and yes it is in fashion to do so. 

7. Will Bold Glasses Look Good on Me?

7. Will Bold Glasses Look Good on Me?

Glasses in general have a longstanding reputation for being practical. And we’re not here to argue their functionality, but we are here to serve up the idea that maybe frames don’t have to be neutral or cookie cutter. Maybe your glasses should reflect your deeply fascinating personality. Even if you’re of the shy variety, a colorful facial accessory can do the work of telling the world how incredible you are so you can stay focused on your delightful introversion. Everyone should explore the world of wackadoodle eyewear because, as we said before, finding ways to become the most you version of yourself is really what it’s all about.