Blue Reading Glasses

Blue Reading Glasses
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Blue Reading Glasses
Are there different shades of blue frames available?
Can I get prescription lenses in blue reading glasses?
How do I choose the right frame style for my face with blue reading glasses?
Can I customize blue reading glasses with different frame materials or shapes?
Are there classic blue reading glasses that are always in style?
Are there different shades of blue frames available?
The only time you’ll feel blue while wearing eyebobs is when you’re quite literally wearing blue eyebobs, and we’ve got plenty. From dreamy teal to deep sapphire, prepare to be blown away by our array of blues. Beyond the familiar, we’re also bringing you – drumroll, please – blue tortoise. Plus, ocean blues that recall the sun bouncing off the waves, and a moody blue pattern that can only be described as “dark and stormy.” Ready to go blue yet?
Can I get prescription lenses in blue reading glasses?
We can’t believe you have to ask, but we’re glad you did. Indeed, your prescription lenses (or any lens of your choosing, really) can be inserted into the cobalt frame that calls to you. If you already know your reader strength, you can get single-vision frames in strengths ranging from 0.00 all the way up to +4.00. You can also opt for progressive lenses, which are ideal for those with astigmatism or anyone who prefers the convenience of having multiple fields of vision at their disposal. Once you have your prescription from your optometrist, we’ll do the rest for you to ensure you never again need to squint until you’re blue in the face.
How do I choose the right frame style for my face with blue reading glasses?
Finding your true blue frame is as easy as taking a long, hard look in the mirror. Once you’ve zeroed in on your face shape, you can use it to predict whether or not your brand-new baby blues will look every bit as flattering as you hope. As a general rule, those with soft features should look for more angular frames, while those with sharper faces should focus on softer, more organic shapes.
Can I customize blue reading glasses with different frame materials or shapes?
Like blue jeans, blue reading glasses stand apart from each other by their shape, constitution, size, and how flattering they make your butt look. Okay, that last one might not apply to both jeans and glasses, but you get the picture. We’ve got blues in both stainless steel and Italian-designed acetate, and shapes ranging from crisp rectangles to captivating cat-eyes. No matter the shape of your preferences, we have a blue-hued frame for you.
Are there classic blue reading glasses that are always in style?
While they may not be quite as universal as your black glasses or tortoiseshell temples, we consider blue readers to be style mainstays. They’re every bit as versatile and reliable as your favorite well-worn denim jacket – plus, they’re far less likely to accumulate mysterious stains. The enduring appeal of oceanic hues is enough to make us think blue frames may just stage a coup and wind up among the ranks of eyewear classics.