As we prep to bask in summer’s glory, allow us to toss a scenario your way. Fast forward to the summer season. It’s a bright, cloudless mid-summer afternoon. The sun is high, the beach is packed, and not a single beach chair is left unclaimed. Some sunbathe, some laze under the shade of their sunhats, the guy across the street dares to mow the lawn in socks and sandals, and then there’s you, a semi-sun kissed bookworm, buried in the arts and culture section, balancing a pair of readers behind a pair of sunglasses upon your one nose. If you know this readers/sunglasses “life hack” all too well or if you have even considered trying it out, first of all, we commend your ingenuity. Second of all, it’s time to feast your eyes upon reader sunglasses from eyebobs.
With the summer sun just around the corner, now is the time to get a pair of reader sunglasses for summertime-you. Yes, you read that correctly. Readers that are also sunglasses. Whether you’re a gardener, fishermen (or women), golfer, driver of a car, BBQ-er, birder, or lover of outdoor reading, reader sunglasses are here for you. As you can imagine, they are a hybrid of reader lenses and tinted lenses and we happen to make them available in nearly every frame style under the sun. In other words, for all of your up-close, outdoor activities, we’ve thought of everything and we can’t wait to tell you all there is to know about them.

What’s Your Lens Type?
What’s Your Lens Type?
To get this party started, let’s discuss lens types. Just like our regular reader lenses, reader sunglasses are also optical-quality CR-39 lenses and are available as either full lenses or bifocals. How do you know which lens is for you? Let’s take a look-see.
What are Full Lenses?
What are Full Lenses?
Full lenses aka fully magnified lenses with one prescription (or power), are perfect for those with a big reading list this summer. Unlike bifocals, which have a reading area and a distance vision area, the whole lens is the reading area. This helps with eye strain when reading for longer periods of time. Full lenses are not ideal for activities that require you to focus on something close-up and then at a distance. For example, looking at your canvas while painting a field of sunflowers and then looking up at the actual field of sunflowers. However, if all you need is one focal point, and that focal point happens to be some intriguing reading material (or a spreadsheet, who are we to judge?), these are the lenses for you.
Anti-Reflective Coating vs Polarized Lenses
Anti-Reflective Coating vs Polarized Lenses
No matter which lens you choose, your reading material does not need to be printed on paper. Our reader sunglasses are not polarized. Why? Because while polarized lenses may help with glare, they can also make attempts to read a screen semi-impossible and this is 2022. Lots of folks read the majority of their mystery novels on a screen and many of us don’t hate being able to work on our laptops outdoors when we can. With an anti-reflective coating on the backside of our tinted frames, you can bask in the glory of summertime reading on your tablet or phone, no problem.
Is UV Lens Protection Important?
Is UV Lens Protection Important?
It’s important to note that all of our reader sunglasses come with 100% full UV protection. The only risk we’re willing to take is leaving you some fun-shaped facial tan lines. These of course can be avoided with a little help from some SPF. Keep your vision clear and those eyes protected, folks!
How Do I Choose my Style?
How Do I Choose my Style?
As we mentioned before, nearly all of our frames are available as reader sunglasses. This includes almost all of our metal and acetate frames but excludes any of our semi-rimless numbers. Just to be clear, sliding your reader sunglasses down the bridge of your nose and looking up over them with a judgmental tone is still very much encouraged, you’ll just have to do it without the help of any of our half-frame styles. If you’re looking for a recommendation, it’s hard not to point out the Kvetcher frame. This perfect pair comes in many colors, but the tortoise option has that certain je ne sais quoi. Overlook has proven to make sure you're anything but, thanks to its brightly bold hues. Or you could go with the safer but still sexy Waylaid frames in practically any shade you can think of. However, if you’re more of a nose-pad person, may we suggest the aptly named Outside frames?
Here's to Brighter Days
Here's to Brighter Days
To be frank, there’s really nothing quite like having the readers-sunglasses duo in your life. Once you have these glasses in your possession you’ll want to proclaim to the world, “Huzzah! I can read in the sun by the pool now!” Welcome to a reality where lugging around two types of glasses or sacrificing one for the other is soon to be a thing of the past. For those in need of readers, we wish you a bright, activity-filled summer.